Zoom FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Zoom bots.

If the host isn't in the meeting, what does the bot do?

The bot will attempt to ask the host for recording permission. But since the host isn't in the meeting, it won't be able to get the permission, so it won't be able to record.


  • Implement recording tokens (advanced concept)
  • Trigger the recording consent pop up when the host joins the meeting

Which Zoom client does the host need to be on to receive the recording permission pop up?

The host must use the Zoom Desktop app (on Windows, Mac, or Linux). The host should not join Zoom through the web, because the recording permission pop up is not supported on the web.

Can I disable the popups?

There is no way to disable any popups. These are notifications that are mandated by Zoom.

Can I customize the popups?

Unfortunately, the recording disclaimer cannot be customized. The audio announcement, words and buttons in the pop up, and recording symbol in the top left corner all are part of the Zoom permissioning framework and cannot be changed.

What happens if there is a password on the Zoom meeting?

If there is a password on the meeting, it should be embedded in the meeting URL as a query parameter by default. For example, a meeting URL with an embedded password might look like this: https://zoom.us/j/123?pwd=abc. Everything after the pwd=in the URL is the password, which the bot will use to join the call.

If the password is not in the query parameter, the bot will not be able to join the call.

Does the bot need to be let in every time?

The bot will go into the waiting room only if there is a waiting room enabled.

Think about the bot just like a normal participant. If there's a waiting room enabled, then it will go into the waiting room with other participants.

If there is no waiting room enabled, then it will skip the waiting room and join the meeting directly, just like other participants.

If only transcription is being accessed, do we still need to show the recording disclaimer?

Yes. We have verified with our contacts at Zoom -- if any meeting data is being accessed you will need to show this disclaimer.

Apply these settings to future meetings - what does this checkbox actually do?

This checkbox currently has incorrect wording. It's actual effect is that for the duration of the current meeting, if another participant/bot requests permission later on, the response that is selected (Approve/Deny) will be applied to that request as well. It does not apply to future meetings.

Bot consent flow doesn’t work for hosts that use the web client. When will this be fixed?

We have checked with our contacts at Zoom and although it is on their radar, there doesn't seem to be a concrete timeline to fix this.

If we want to have our users OAuth their Zoom account as you've recommended, can we use our existing Zoom OAuth app so users don’t need to Oauth twice?

Yes. You can use your existing Zoom OAuth app, however, you will need to update it to request an additional scope. This will be covered in the technical migration guide.

Will we be able to get the join token for local recording with Zoom workspace-level OAuth?


Are Zoomgov URLs supported?

We currently don't have support for Zoomgov URLs, but if this is a requirement for your use case, please reach out to our team.

Why isn't my bot sending chat messages?

If the chat messages sent by your bot aren't showing up, it's likely a problem with your Zoom configuration. Please ensure that "Continuous Meeting Chat" is enabled on your Zoom account.