Google Meet: FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Google Meet bots.
The bot shows as in_waiting_room, but I don't see the pop-up?
If a bot was sent to a Google Meet meeting, but your user didn't see it ask to be let in from the waiting room, it's likely because they were not the host of the meeting.
If the meeting was organized by someone else, by default, they won't be able to let anyone in (and won't see any indication of the bot asking to be let in), as only the "Hosts" will see popups to let participants in from the waiting room.
If none of the Hosts are in the call yet, nobody will see a pop-up to let the bot in. Once the host joins, then the host will see the pop-up appear.
Participants whose email address is on the event invite are able to join with no host present, so other invited participants may join before the host and wonder why the bot is not joining.
This behavior can be configured as shown here, but since you likely don't want to ask someone to change their Google workspace settings, we recommend informing the host/organizer of the meeting that you've invited a bot. This way, there is no confusion and there's no need for them to change their settings.
How do I change the bot's icon in the participants list?
By default, the bot's icon in the Google Meet's participant list will be the first letter of it's name, in a circle of random color such as the following:

The only way to change this to something else is to have the bot join as a Signed-In Google Meet Bot. If the bot is signed in, it's icon will be the profile picture of the account it's signed in to.
Why did my bot fail to join a meeting with google_meet_bot_blocked
status code?
status code?Google will automatically block users from joining calls when they have certain words (curses, profane language) in their name. Sometimes this filter can be triggered unintentionally by seemingly innocent names and phrases. To test this issue, join a Google Meet call from an incognito browser window with the name you're testing. If you're rejected, you'll need to modify the name until it's accepted by Google.
Authenticated Bots
What's the concurrency limit per Google Login?
Based on our testing, the concurrency limit for a single Google Login is roughly 50, but this number isn't made public by Google and can have a high degree of variance.
Because of this, Recall adds an extra buffer which will kick in at 30 concurrent logins and assigns a different account to the bot. You should use this number as a heuristic for determining the number of logins you need, but we recommend also erring on the side of caution by adding an extra buffer yourself.
What happens when all of my Google Logins are at their login limit?
When the limit is reached for all accounts, you'll receive a fatal event with the sub code google_meet_login_not_available
and you should create a new user to increase your concurrency limit.
Can I use the same Google Workspace for multiple Recall accounts/environments?
Yes - you shouldn't have any issues with sharing the same Google Workspace across multiple accounts.
Can multiple bots using the same login join the same meeting?
No - one login can only be used by one bot to join the same meeting. While one login can be shared among bots joining different meetings, same-meeting support for the same login isn't currently supported.
Can I enable authenticated Google Meet bots for some meetings, but use the default behavior for others?
Yes! To configure authentication behavior for Google Meet, you can use the google_meet.login_required
parameter in Create Bot.
If this parameter is absent in the request body, bots will authenticate only if the Google Meet is sign-in only. Otherwise, the bot will default to joining as an anonymous user.
If you set google_meet.login_required
to true
, bots will always join Google Meet calls as authenticated users, regardless of the meeting's joining requirements.
Updated 3 months ago