API Errors

API Error Codes

Recall's API uses the following HTTP codes:

Error CodeMeaning
200OK -- Everything worked as expected.
201Bot created successfully.
400There was something wrong with your request. Check the response body for a detailed error message. For the error message reference, go here.
401Unauthorized -- No valid API key provided.
405Method is not allowed for the endpoint -- if calling DELETE, the bot has already been dispatched.
429Too many requests: Retry after the duration specified in the returned Retry-After header.
502Our servers have dropped the request due to high load -- please retry.
503Our servers have dropped the request due to high load -- please retry.
504Our servers have dropped the request due to high load -- please retry.
507Out of adhoc bots: Please retry in 30 seconds.

Adhoc Bot Pool Errors

An HTTP 507 error occurs when you are trying to create an "adhoc bot", and no bots are available in the "adhoc bot pool". Adhoc bots are bots that are created without specifying a join time in advance. They join the call immediately, and are claimed from a pool of idle bots that we scale predictively based off of expected load.

Sometimes many bots are requested at once, which depletes the idle bot pool. Any attempts to create an adhoc bot at this point will result in a HTTP 507 error, until new bots are automatically launched to replenish the pool.

This replenishment results in new bots being available within a few seconds to a minute or two, so if you receive the HTTP 507 error you should retry the request every 30 seconds.

You can avoid the HTTP 507 error entirely by using scheduled bots. These are bots that have a join time specified in advance, either through the create_bot.join_at parameter or by using the Recall.ai calendar integration. When you create a scheduled bot, we launch and reserve a bot specifically for you, which guarantees that it will join the call at the indicated time.

400 Error Message Reference

CodeResponse BodyDescription
teams_blacklisted_tenantMicrosoft Teams has certain tenants that do not allow bots to join their calls. This error occurs when you attempt to create a bot for a meeting hosted by one of these tenants.
Cannot validate partial without join call taskThis typically happens when Update Scheduled Bot is called on a bot that was already sent to a call. You can verify a scheduled bot was already sent to a call when you receive the joining_call webhook event.
Not enough time to launch new botThis typically happens when Update Scheduled Bot is called with an updated join_at too close to the present (>6 minutes). There is a minimum amount of time it takes for us to launch a scheduled bot, and we cannot update a scheduled bot's join_at too close to the present for that reason.
Cannot send a command to a bot which has completed(is shutting/has shut down/has errored).This error occurs when a bot is shutting down, has shut down, or has errored, and you call an endpoint that requires the bot to be in the call - for instance, Remove Bot From Call.
Cannot send a command to a bot which has not been started.This occurs when you call an endpoint that requires the bot to be in a call while the bot has already been terminated - for instance, Remove Bot From Call.

Fatal Errors

When you get a Bot Status Change Webhook Event from a bot with status fatal, you can check the data.status.sub_code field to get a description of the error. The complete list for possible sub_code can be found here Bot Error Codes