Schedule Bot For Calendar Event

Schedule a bot for a calendar event. This endpoint will return the updated calendar event in response.

For more information, see Calendar V2.


Override behavior

When calling this endpoint for an event that already has a bot scheduled, the existing bot configuration will be overridden with the new settings provided in the request.


Meeting URL response shape

Meeting URL's are currently improperly reflected in the API spec for meeting URL's in responses. For proper meeting URL shapes in API responses, please see Meeting URL's.

meeting_url's that are provided as a parameter to the API are reflected accurately in the API spec as strings.

Scheduling error response

If you try to schedule a bot for an event that has already ended, you'll receive a 400 response:

  "code": "invalid_request_data",  
  "message": "Unable to process request because invalid data was submitted. Check `errors` field for more details.",  
  "errors": {  
    "non_field_errors": [  
      "Cannot schedule bot as calendar event has ended."  

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!